Friday, September 23, 2011

What is the insurance cost for a 40 year old male driving anew ferrari?

dont worry im not 40 nor can i afford a ferrari. im just wondering how much it costs to maintain one?|||This will depend on quite a few factors that you don't mention: First, which model car. Ferrari produces a range of models that run from ~$100-300k. For a 40 year old driver with a good record, and average usage (for this car, which would be in the under 5000 miles per year range), you could expect an annual cost of a little under 10% of the car's value: $10-30k.

However, many owners will instead pursue collector's insurance, which will cut that cost at least in half, and probably much more, in exchange for more serious restrictions (maximum milage, car must be in a secured garage whenever you are not present, etc).

Maintaining the car will be expensive. If you average basic service costs over five years, and include items like tires and such that will requrie replacement over that time (and again, considering a low annual use of 3000-5000 miles), you will find keeping up the car will cost ~$5-10k/year. This number will go up dramatically if you drive the car more often.|||You might try some of the web sites that offer quotes and see if they go as high as a Ferrari, but I'd guess they won't be able to. (Plug in a phony name/email address when asked so you won't get deluged with spam.)|||If you have to ask then you really can't afford it.|||To much on both questions.

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